I want to tell everyone why I support Q(ue17) and President Trump and why I’m A Pissed Off Vet.
If you have followed my posts and researched things yourself over the last 2 years, you can begin to understand.
The Clowns In Action, Deep State and MSM lied about Russia for decades to keep up the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) fed with money. Our tax dollars. When USSR collapsed the MIC made up Iraq and then Al Qaeda and then built ISIS to keep the War Machine fed money. It was all lies guys. All of it.
The Federal Reserve… which is a private bank created by the Cabal in 1913 using controlled politicians to gain control of U.S.. Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s and Payseur’s (miss spelled but the spell correct won’t correct it for some reason like we don’t know why) and the rest of the “elites” controlling the MIC, started wars to make money and to gain control of more governments. They had complete control of the world as the goal. The were pushing their Central Bank system on all countries or went to war against them… using U.S. as the military to do it after WWII. This was what Russia was trying to fight against. China fell to them later. The C_A, run by the Cabal were running and controlling the U.S. for decades. The Great Awakening is led by the Q team and President Trump, are a Military and Civilian group trying to stop what was to be an end game that the Cabal wanted to happen. A 16 year plan to finish their control program and depopulate the world and kill off the Patriots that were left in the U.S.. Killary was to be the President to see to the finish of the Plan. She Lost… She was supposed to lose. They had the system rigged! How could she lose… Q team, that how. They flipped the switch so our votes actually counted. Q is military intelligence unit who saw the 16 year plan and decided to do something about it. To save billions of people the horror of the end game of the Cabal. This plan they developed took years… more like a decade or more to implement. A Alliance of Light had come to Donald Trump and asked him to be President to stop the Cabal Plan. I am starting to think his part started long before 2015… he had to be built up with the Apprentice to be a public figure… He had to be seen as a man of intelligence and seen as a champion for the little guy. I digress. The Q team that we see or will see on 8Chan after the 5th of September, is the education team. We had to be shown the truth and learn to research for the truth. That is how the Anon’s came to be. An army of researchers to search for the truth, because we couldn’t trust the MSM to do it for us… they were bought and paid for… many worked for the C_A directly and some are from the Cabal families. (Anderson Cooper). This is all important. But you only begin to see why I’m APISSEDOFFVET. We Veterans. service members all were used. I was used for 21 years to support the MIC and keep the MIC fed. I served in the military for 21 years and know know what they were doing. I served 21 years in the Cabals game without knowing what I was serving, who I was really working for and I’m Pissed. Know you know why I’m all in for Q and President Trump to destroy the Cabal system. I hope we Patriots who were lied to and used for their ends, can get to sue the MIC and the “leaders” and Cabal who kept it all running for their profit and nearly all our end!
And FB better not ban this… you are going to be sued and destroyed for your part in this. We Know! We will win and We the People will have Justice!

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