
Sorry been gone so long… been busy.

Well. The debate. CNBC should be ashamed of the selves. Cruz is the man everyone should support. No, I don’t work for him. Just happy some on the national stage stood up to the corrupt media. Now we need someone to sue them for being a fake news station or have the government shut them down for impersonating a news organization.  On another front, Harry Reid needs his meds and his nurse to take him back to the hospice, and take Nancy with them. I believe it is time for a new generation to take over the government and put some brains in the offices.

Thanks for the support everyone.

God Bless

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever



I am ME



beachmeditationOver the last few years I have been on a spiritual journey. I have been coming to terms as to who I am and what I was put on this Earth to do. Everyone of us has a purpose, something that we are here to do or to learn so that we can proceed forward on the rung in our ladder of life.

I believe in using meditation, to relax and to get in touch with that part of us that each of us is made of. I have learned to look for the positive in things instead of the negative. I like being able to speak to those that have past on, or to feel someone nearby that is no longer living. I can walk into a room and tell if there is happiness or anger. It’s not an easy life to live and it takes a lot of learning…

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Woke up this morning feeling a little better about things.
I may not know where I’m going but I know I won’t be homeless again. I will have a tough time staying here longer but I can face that like any gun jam. JSABFSIT.
Just stick a big fing screwdriver in there!
I miss my time in but I will always have the memories of good times (some not so clear) and good friends I worked with for so many years.

Be at peace.

God Bless

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever



What now?

7 mins ago
Well… got some bad news… not only did the realtor not put in bid but then I got word that my loan package couldn’t be approved because I don’t have three “trade lines” in good standing. I only make so much and only make enough to pay rent and power and comcast.

Not enough good “trade lines” for a loan.


I don’t know what to do now… I feel like my guts have hit the floor.

I’m going to keep this up and the other site up and hope for a miracle.

Thanks for the support everyone.

God Bless

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever



I mean, WTF!

The whole gun debate really pisses me off.

Goes back to the tribal mentality… the only way to make guns safe is to outlaw all weapons in the world. Who do you trust to destroy all the weapons? Tell me… would you trust every politician, every country, every religion, every criminal to hand over their guns? I bet you can’t say you can. There will always will be someone who thinks they should dictate to you control us for the great good. If you think otherwise… well, I guess you can be a sheep and the rest of us will just try not to hurt your ears as we stop the ones trying to take OUR rights. Oh… and save your ass as well. (Maybe, depends on if you whine or not!)

There is a reason why we are who we are. Don’t forget, this country was created by people with guns who defended us from a King who wanted to control those people who left England and other countries looking for a new life, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom to own guns and keep others from controlling us. I like those rights. They seem to work. It made this country the greatest economic power house in the world! Everyone wanted to come here to BE Americans! Now everyone just wants our benefits, jobs and health care… which was the best because of our Rights! Why is everyone trying to take away what worked and made this country GREAT!

Someone name a socialist or communist country that works and everyone loves. Oh and someone name me a muslim country that isn’t a total shit hole. I mean, really… why isn’t everyone running to move to Iraq or Iran. I hear Syria is nice this time of year! (cough) Nope… Everyone wants to move to the U.S. To escape hell.

Hmmm… so tell me… why to you want to take away OUR 2nd Amendment!

Thanks for listening,

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever
One apissedoffveteran!

What are the Odds? */?#$ I’ll take them!


I keep hearing about all these fund sites that are raising all sorts of money for all sorts of things. I can’t believe some of the things people are willing to throw money at, and the things that people really need money for like medical bills, charity events etc. go ignored or barely raise enough to cover the fees the site charges.

So I figured I would throw my hat into the ring. Now mind you I happen to be on disability due to a variety of medical issues due to genetics. I don’t make enough to live on, I am actually below what is considered the poverty line. I have a suppressed immune system so I have to have the flu shot every year, because getting the flu for me could be a death sentence for me, worse case scenario.

I didn’t do anything special with my site, just…

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Help for the working class!

I see so much help for a few but how does the little guy get help!

I find myself wondering if this gofundme sites even work for us little guys. I see that you have to get shot to get donations. A lot of veterans that served in Iraq or Afghanistan were never shot or injured by mortar or rocket. I served in Desert Storm/Shield and Iraqi Freedom twice! In my 21 years and serviced with the best Air Force units in the world and served with the Best people in the world. Weapons troops that I served with and was proud to work with and lead, worked hard and played hard together. 17 years with the Colorado Air National Guard 120 FW/ 140 FS, we were deployed to Kuwait, Turkey, Jordan, Korea in support of Operation Northern Watch, Southern Watch and other missions as needed. We were the first Guard unit and the first F-16c unit in Balad Air Base, Iraq in 2004 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am proud of all the work and take the pain and injuries that came with the job in defense of my Country with the hope I made a difference in some small way.

Now I’m looking for help! I’m praying for some support from on High and from the American people, for some small donation to help me and my family.

The Journey Forward and the Need for Meditation


bluemeditationA lot has been going on over the past few months. I had a surgical procedure to help stop the bleeding in my nose due to the genetic issue I have known as HHT or Ostler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome. This in turn triggered my migraines again, which I hadn’t had an issue with since my mid 20’s. And I had another surgery in April as well, due to a mass on my left adrenal gland which had to be removed. And they found AVMs on both my lungs, which means another surgery come November if the doctor has his way.

We are trying to buy a house, because people are moving to Colorado by the droves since weed is now legal and the rental prices are going through the roof and we can’t afford to live here anymore. So that means moving to another state. Meaning moving expenses. We have a GoFundMe

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So Why Aren’t You Going After Them?!!


We The PeopleI just finished reading an article about how to pretty much scam the the welfare system in the United States. So why is it that if they know this is how people scam the welfare system, then why aren’t they busting these individuals and making them pay back the money they have been paid for all the years that they have scammed the government (cough) and the US taxpayers for all those years? Is it because the government (cough, cough) and the taxpayers would have to pay to imprison them?

What about saving all the money our government spends on the asinine tests that they spend thousands and billions every year in research to find out how fast a shrimp can run on a treadmill type contraption? They don’t seem to have an issue wasting money on stupid research like that. And what are they thinking by going and providing…

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Oh and by the way.

And we let the O Chicago Muslim Brotherhood, Iran controlled, gang of criminals continue to destroy us from the inside. Can you hear me now!?

9 simple charts that demonstrate the disaster of Obama's economic policies