The Cold War never ended! Listen up and get ready…

Now it has begun!

These criminal employees put in by O, Clinton’s and Bush, (yes I said it) are purposely working to destroy our country from within, by leaking information about anything they can get out to the socialist/globalist led MSM to whip up their base of wackos/snowflake, brainwashed uneducated children they lead and the criminal politicians on the pay role of the Russian’s they are screaming about. Remember that these idiot criminal politicians will ALWAYS “project” (look it up) their criminal acts on those they rail at!

The MSM want you to forget that we have fought a Cold War and what the Socialists/ Communists have been trying to do to our country for the last 50 years.

Have you forgotten?

Remember that the LEFT is called that because they are socialist. Led by USSR KGB (Putin by the way),  run programs started 50 years ago to subvert the weak minded (Jedi reference;) actors and musicians in Socialistwood and push their socialist trained people into Professor/teacher roles in our education systems, hire these people into the government bureaucracy with the support of the socialist subverted unions (money), corrupt and blackmailed politicians (we know who YOU are by the way, you protest to much I think! Keep it up, your times are coming to an end!) who CRY wolf when the wolf in sheep clothing is themselves. One of the ways they are doing this is taught in SUN TSU’s Art of War. It teaches that the best way to win a war is not to fight one. Civil war is the best way to win against your enemy especially if you control both sides of the conflict. Sounds familiar doesn’t it. That is what the push to start a racial war is about. Hispanic’s, Black’s, Muslim’s against the evil racist white people, all to destroy us from the inside with a civil war. American born kids are trained to be “Socialist commandos” trained in various communist countries, leading the “anarchists”non-students who attack in trained “riot” operations conducted against conservative speakers at Leftist/Socialist controlled Universities. These guys have been training and conducting many riots around the country for the last 5 years or so. Anarchist/Communist/Student/Wall Streeters as well as George Soro’s funded groups in America (look them up yourself), are only acting as they do to destroy America from within.

Why else would these attacks on our values, our religious freedoms, against our Free Speech that the fascists call fascist, against the Second Amendment they fear will stop them from taking over us and against the President of the United States that WE the Real American People honestly voted for, for change in America, happen now! Why! Because they know the American People are waking up to the evil that is happening and the crimes and traitorous actions of those in MSM, Socialistwood, and in the un-elected bureaucracy of our government, and in the Halls of our Congress by criminal politicians bent on destroying America and enslaving all of humanity under their Globalist/Socialist rule.

Oh and stop crying that in this “Modern” age stuff like this can’t happen. Bullshit! It does happening in most every country in the world nearly every day. Wars to control wealth by evil men happen constantly. Why do you think Syria “civil war” started! Most people in America have no idea the evil that happens everyday in the world. They only watch the “news” (MSM) who only tell them the things they want you to hear. Some people blind themselves to the truth. The Truth is scary to most people, they want their “safe space” to never be scary. If you have served in the military in the last 50 years, you know the world is a scary place with evil people who want what you have and hate that you have it and will kill you for it. Well, guess what? They are in this country too.

The evil is here. They are getting ready to act and they have to act now. The election exposed them all to the light and like rats exposed in a corner of the kitchen, they have to attack to have any hope of survival. That is what this article by Political is telling you. This is why the MSM , let the shrill crying of the Left get so much play on T.V.. They too, are in on it.

Hopefully, we can stop them before many Americans are killed by the evil. Hopefully the President can hear this plea.

Please Spread the Message. Even if you don’t like what I have to say, doesn’t mean it isn’t the Truth!

Be on the side of Light! The TRUTH will win in the end.

A pissed off Vet



How to get control back from socialist and snowflakes.

Liberalism is a is a psychological mental defect that can be treated with proper education, but in some cases drugs or institutionalization is necessary. Many cases of this mental issue can be controlled by keeping the snowflakes from breeding and making more of themselves. Not too surprising is the fact that the socialist do intend to euthanize all the snowflakes after they get into power and control all aspects of human life. So the snowflakes are trying to empower the people who want to kill them all in the end anyway, “for the Earth”. This is why the education system, media and free speech in the US is in desperate need for change, to stop the snowflake’ismist programming of our children. All foreign. government. communist, socialist, democratic and fascist groups in this country using the free speech of our constitution to destroy our country from within, need to be shut down now. All liberal education institutions need to be shut down and the professors (who work for a foreign government, it seems, anyway) need to be sent to the soviet union for re-education. All media and Hollywood liberals need to spend the next 5 years in a socialist country (without their money) and see what they are promoting. Obama and his controllers, need to be stopped from starting a war with Russia, that they are planning (with Russia, by the way), because of Hillary’s loss and the destruction of the Demoliberalcrats. This was their last shot at the control and destruction our country, because people are now awake to the problem. The Soviet Union never stopped wanting to control the world… the socialist never stopped wanting to control the world. Why we stopped trying to stop them here in America is amazing to me. They moved into our country Legally and have been working from the inside under the guise of educators, liberals, democrats and greenies, using the free speech to get control of us. WAKE UP!

Karma bitches! It will catch up to you too!

If you hadn’t done anything wrong then there wouldn’t be anything to release through Wikileaks! Dumbasses! Hillary for Prison and add Obama as well! First Amendment you traitorous criminal Corporations. You will be the bitch to the Karma you preach.

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever

WTF is wrong with these people

 Thanks for FBN and Varney & Co for sharing this info coming out of the DOJ.
LMAO… she has the liberal mental disorder. I think we need to have all of them tested for mental abnormalities and an IQ test for they are F*#% nuts. How does calling something a different name help the situation or fix the issue? 
Varney & Co.
Loretta Lynch says we can no longer use the term “juvenile delinquents.” They should be referred to as “justice involved youth.”

What do you think about this??

Varney & Co.'s photo.

My missive to President Obama

When the terrorists attack us, are you going to be more concerned about the civil rights of the attackers or the lives lost. It is time to wipe the religion off the map.

Sleep Well

God Bless America!

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever

P.S. Let me know when you are going to start the civil war so I can say “I told you so!”

Veterans Day

Thanks to all my brothers in arms who served!

Compare our President then and now!


You know this was coming. All the F*%$#% criminal in the VA will now plead the 5th and get union lawyers. Why can’t we just get rid of the criminals and fix the VA? Because of the union… the government should not have let unions in. These people need to go and WE the NCO’s, should run the VA. Not these bureaucrats. Thanks for Stripes for the article.

It took nearly two weeks to get a pair of controversial Department Veterans Affairs officials to Capitol Hill for questioning, but it was the congressmen in the committee room who did most of the talking Monday.

What happened to us!

New Update
Christian Canada
0 mins ago
Doesn’t this crap make you wonder about peoples priorities? Money for a kid who mouths off to teachers and cops! I spent 21 years in the Air Force, wrecked my body for my country and I get nothing when I need help?!!

‘Go Fund Me’ page rakes in serious cash for belligerent teen who caused desk-flipping incident -…
It pays to be a disruptive miscreant. That’s the message being sent as a GoFundMe account for the troublemaking student at Spring Valley High School in South…

Thanks for the support everyone.

God Bless

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever


Sorry been gone so long… been busy.

Well. The debate. CNBC should be ashamed of the selves. Cruz is the man everyone should support. No, I don’t work for him. Just happy some on the national stage stood up to the corrupt media. Now we need someone to sue them for being a fake news station or have the government shut them down for impersonating a news organization.  On another front, Harry Reid needs his meds and his nurse to take him back to the hospice, and take Nancy with them. I believe it is time for a new generation to take over the government and put some brains in the offices.

Thanks for the support everyone.

God Bless

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever


Woke up this morning feeling a little better about things.
I may not know where I’m going but I know I won’t be homeless again. I will have a tough time staying here longer but I can face that like any gun jam. JSABFSIT.
Just stick a big fing screwdriver in there!
I miss my time in but I will always have the memories of good times (some not so clear) and good friends I worked with for so many years.

Be at peace.

God Bless

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever