The start of the end

This makes me sick. I protected this State and the United States for 21 years and some Fuc Tards go and destroy a monument to those who died for them. It sickens me to see how low our State has become with the influx of left/commie bastards that have flooded and taken control. I blame Gov. Hickenpooper and the “Democrats/Communist” Senators and Congressmen and women, who are trying to destroy us from within. It is time for you, yes you, to decide weather you want to see Colorado turn into California, Illinois and others or to bring back decency, to teach decency to the next generation!


Soaring costs of housing costs in a Pot State

I had to bring this up to everyone’s attention because it is killing me… and that is my RENT! I have served my county for 21 years. I paid a heavy price physically and mentally. I gladly paid that price because I won, in pride for my county, friends and family who I love, and in memories and experiences that were amazing. I love my home state of Colorado and the beautiful mountains.

But. The pot laws enacted just a few years ago has made the rental market go through the mile high roof and it is criminal! I am paying over $1300 a month (not counting electrical and TV/cable) for a 2 bedroom 780 square foot apartment in a building built in the 60’s and no dishwasher! When I began this journey with this apartment, I paid $785/month plus fees ($100) in 2012 after spending over a year at a homeless Veterans group home. The freedom of getting back on my own was uplifting for a man who just lost his home,his service for his country due to medical retirement, divorce, homelessness and loss of vehicle. 2008 was start of bad times for me.

When I moved into this small apartment July 2012 it was the start of a new life for me. I had chosen it due to the distance and cost, from my autistic son. I had missed so much of his life during my time on the street or veterans home and it felt great to being able to provide at least that for my son again, to be close enough to see him and make him feel at home with me as his father, again. I would meet my current wife while in this apartment, bringing more joy and love into my life. Things were finally looking up for me.

But then it happened.

Marijuana was legalized.

Immediately after this law went into affect… my apartment owners sold out. New owners raised rent. Apartments around town sold out. The apartments started going up in the hundreds. Rents took off. My complex of apartments was sold again in 2014 and then again in 2015 and in 2016! Rent increased again and again.

I did ask for and did receive some reprieve from the owners of the apartments as I was a veteran and by pleading for help… but no matter what they did it wouldn’t help me as I am disabled and on fixed income. My pay didn’t go up 35% with my rent!

I am, at this moment, having to look to other states for a home. I have to MOVE away from my SON, due to “Market Forces” in the new marijuana state of Colorado! I am just 1 person of thousands, being forced to pay inflated rates just to live in this State!

I have over the last 3 years asked for some help from my Democratic and Republican Representatives for some help on controlling the rates of increases in the state, but received only “sorry to hear about your issue”.

It was suggested to me, that I create a state wide group to put muscle behind my concerns.

So that is what I’m doing!

I’ve created the Colorado Coalition of Veterans and Working Families For Rent Control on Facebook.

I hope this is just the beginning. Change is happening right now in our country. I need your help in getting rent controls put in place in this State! Get the word out. Send it to the President of the United States. Send out the word to Colorado’s Governor and Representatives that Veterans and Working families of this state are losing their homes and are under great hardships because of the rates of rents in this great State!

I can’t do this alone. I need help from anyone who can help me to draft laws and put pressure on the government.

As of this article… I have 3 months left here. I can’t pay anymore. I need help.



Mr. Christian Canada

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Load Toad

Colorado Coalition of Veterans and Working Families For Rent Control


How to get control back from socialist and snowflakes.

Liberalism is a is a psychological mental defect that can be treated with proper education, but in some cases drugs or institutionalization is necessary. Many cases of this mental issue can be controlled by keeping the snowflakes from breeding and making more of themselves. Not too surprising is the fact that the socialist do intend to euthanize all the snowflakes after they get into power and control all aspects of human life. So the snowflakes are trying to empower the people who want to kill them all in the end anyway, “for the Earth”. This is why the education system, media and free speech in the US is in desperate need for change, to stop the snowflake’ismist programming of our children. All foreign. government. communist, socialist, democratic and fascist groups in this country using the free speech of our constitution to destroy our country from within, need to be shut down now. All liberal education institutions need to be shut down and the professors (who work for a foreign government, it seems, anyway) need to be sent to the soviet union for re-education. All media and Hollywood liberals need to spend the next 5 years in a socialist country (without their money) and see what they are promoting. Obama and his controllers, need to be stopped from starting a war with Russia, that they are planning (with Russia, by the way), because of Hillary’s loss and the destruction of the Demoliberalcrats. This was their last shot at the control and destruction our country, because people are now awake to the problem. The Soviet Union never stopped wanting to control the world… the socialist never stopped wanting to control the world. Why we stopped trying to stop them here in America is amazing to me. They moved into our country Legally and have been working from the inside under the guise of educators, liberals, democrats and greenies, using the free speech to get control of us. WAKE UP!

Karma bitches! It will catch up to you too!

If you hadn’t done anything wrong then there wouldn’t be anything to release through Wikileaks! Dumbasses! Hillary for Prison and add Obama as well! First Amendment you traitorous criminal Corporations. You will be the bitch to the Karma you preach.

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever


Brutal? Someone said that protesters were brutally removed from Trump event. Brutal would be getting dragged out by your nuts. Get over it and act human people. This shit is all orchestrated by socialist bigots and liberals are being lead by the nose rings. Idiots. This is what you get libs. You think you are fighting for yourselves but your not. You are fighting for the same nazi, communist, controlling, war mongering assholes who started dominating the world 120 years ago. They are the ones that will kill you off for being “unfit” and not “socially viable”. They will use you and then kill you after they are done with you. Socialism doesn’t work! If it did… wouldn’t you be moving there! Tell me one socialist country you think works! Now move there. Get out! The rest of you! Get educated on the truth! Not the lies of a corrupt system. Having you figured it out yet? The liberal movement is lead by old white people out to use you a fodder and make more money and take more control. When have they ever made life better? When has Black lives mattered to them. Never. Time is almost up!

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever

WTF is wrong with these people

 Thanks for FBN and Varney & Co for sharing this info coming out of the DOJ.
LMAO… she has the liberal mental disorder. I think we need to have all of them tested for mental abnormalities and an IQ test for they are F*#% nuts. How does calling something a different name help the situation or fix the issue? 
Varney & Co.
Loretta Lynch says we can no longer use the term “juvenile delinquents.” They should be referred to as “justice involved youth.”

What do you think about this??

Varney & Co.'s photo.

My thoughts on dems

I’ve watched all this crap about erasing the history of the south and destroying its flag and statues. This is just another attempt to erase the history of the Democrats. Nothing more.

“Best way to make pigs (read democrat/socialist/communist criminals) look good is to wash the history of its past away to hide the truth from those you plan to destroy and lie to the stupid masses you blind with circuses, bread, wine and pot.”

My quote. Spread it.

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever

Another example of VA Stupidity

I know I’ve been gone for a long time, but I was in need of some down time to deal with the VA appointments and the holidays. Now I have been drawn back with stories of VA stupidity. As some of you know, I was in the Air Force and Colorado Air National Guard for 21 years as a 462/2W1 Aircraft Weapons Systems Specialist and a Civil Service Technician WG-11. I know how how the system in the government civil service works and how the unionizing of the government is destroying the United States. This is just another example of the union using rules they forced into civil service contracts to protect bad and even criminal, employees jobs and making money for the lawyers. Take a look.


C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever


My missive to President Obama

When the terrorists attack us, are you going to be more concerned about the civil rights of the attackers or the lives lost. It is time to wipe the religion off the map.

Sleep Well

God Bless America!

C.D. Canada
TSgt U.S. Air Force Retired
462/2W1 Forever

P.S. Let me know when you are going to start the civil war so I can say “I told you so!”

Veterans Day

Thanks to all my brothers in arms who served!

Compare our President then and now!