My Memorial Day message

This holiday is about remembering those who paid with their lives to PROTECT OUR RIGHTS!

Its Time to wake up… time to stand up!

Don’t let them keep you in this important holiday.

If police try to stop you, hold up the Constitution and tell them you have the RIGHT as an AMERICAN to do it!

No Governor has the power to take your RIGHTS away, even in a “pan DEM ic”.

No police have the Right to detain you for this “pan DEM ic”.

No corporation has the Right to Censor you.

No Government entity has the right to stop you from attending Church.

American Marines, Navy sailors, Army soldiers, Air Force airmen and Coast Guard members fought and died for those Rights!

Don’t let the socialist infiltrators, who are determined to destroy the U.S., take OUR RIGHTS.

Don’t give in to THEM!


Honor those who died for your Rights by Standing Up for Your Rights!






Answer a question not asked (I know, deep)

Anonymous (You)  07/29/19 (Mon) 15:29:37d4d7c0 (1)  No.7247165



This was dropped to my message to the world that I released on 8Chan and here is my comment back.

“In 2000 there seemed to be promise of great things in the new millennium, but I had a feeling of a darkness coming over the world.

The darkness has covered us all for so long it’s hard sometimes to believe the light will win.

I don’t believe it, I know it.

Let us know if you have any specific predictions, would be cool to see them happen!”

This was dropped to my message to the world that I released on 8Chan and here is my comment back.

I have to say though, that my “predictions” aren’t so much predictions as a connection I have with the Light and all of you, your feelings (I’ve always been an empathetic). The Shuttle incident showed me that my connection through the Light was able to feel the sudden shock that thousands of kids felt watching what happened in real time. The number of peoples reaction seemed to “bleed” this shock “back” through time so that I could feel the “pressure” through my sensitivity before it happened… but all I knew it moments before it happened that I felt something bad was coming.

Of course this was 1986. I’ve explored my connection a lot more and understand my connection sooo much more since.

But, it is still more like impressions and “feeling” than “predictions”.

What I am feeling now, and have been for months is a great kind of Joy! A feeling of more people reaching in to their light and opening up to the connection we have together!

Sometimes known as



